Adult piano students are always welcome! Photo credit: Michelle Little Photography, 2016.

Adult - Recreational - Ages 19 +

Adult students are always welcome - it’s never too late. It is well understood that adult students lead busy lives and have many competing priorities. Adult students are strongly encouraged to commit to a weekly lesson to ensure they don’t lose momentum.

What we do

Each lesson consists of:

  • A warm routine that covers the basics - of note reading and coordination

  • 1 - 2 pieces over a period of 3 - 4 weeks

  • Some theory work to flesh out our understanding of music and how it's written

Length of classes and practise

  • A typical class for an adult student is 60 minutes - this is the ideal class length, it allows ample time to material in depth and in-class revision - something important for those weeks where it is difficult to practise.

Photo Credit. Yuuki Omori 2014.


For Adults Recreational learners the fee is:

  • $60.00 for each 60 minute lesson

Adult learners can enroll with a 6 lesson package but are strongly encouraged to enroll for a full session.

If you have any queries concerning enrolment, feel free to contact the studio at 438 884 1171 or by email:

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